Our Re-Vengeance Blend

We are proud to announce the Re-Vengeance:

Our coffee development is never based on pre-conceived ideas. Dark roast or light roast are silly ideas.

Fully developed is the thing.

Now basing coffees on philosophy has it’s own issues. What purpose is a coffee for?

When we set out to produce Vengeance blend, it was always to be primarily enjoyed as a filter coffee. Our Ressurection blend was based on beautiful acidity. The vengeance ironically to be more generally acceptable.

It was to be safe. We apologise for this.

We were wrong.

We decided to redevelop our vengeance blend for body and character, and so today we announce “ReVengeance”

Expect a full body, a deeply satisfying and rich coffee with praline notes over a heavy, syrupy flavourful canvas.

It is a blend of micro-lots of a Guatemala, a Rwanda and an Ethiopian Harrar at 40%, 50% and 10% respectively


- See more at: http://truth.coffee/revengeance-blend/#sthash.AcXkjUTE.dpuf